Monthly Archives: May 2010

I’m Back!

I was going to title this post “I’m Still Alive” and then thought that might be in bad taste given my medical condition!

So anyway. Sorry it’s been so long, but there hasn’t been anything interesting to write about so didn’t want to bore you all.

I’ve had quite a good week this week, even if it was chemo yesterday. Tuesday was a good day. I had a clinic appointment in the morning, which generally consists of being weighed, having bloods taken, and then seeing my consultant. The only bad thing about all that, was the fact that she told me she leaves at the end of this month. I am absolutely gutted. I was so pleased when I had such a nice consultant, after all, I’m going to be seen for the next 5 years on a regular basis, so to have a consultant that you get on with is a good thing. I’ve only ever seen one other consultant there, and I do really like him too, and another consultant from there was a speaker at the lymphoma support group I went to Tuesday evening, so I’d be OK if I saw her too. Still, I am going to miss Fiona.

What else? Urm, I’m still waiting for my appointment for my ultrasound on my thyroid. They have decided to so an ultrasound and fine needle biopsy on it at the same time to see what’s going on. Now, I’ve done my research, and more 99% of thyroid nodules are  NOT cancerous, and then chances of having two different types of cancer at the same time are very low.

Tuesday afternoon was my Look Good Feel Better workshop. It basically consisted of a few hours of playing with skincare products and make up, and I came away with bag full of goodies.  I also met a lovely lady called Rachel, and it was nice to talk to someone going through a similar experience.

Tuesday evening was a Lymphoma support group run by the Lymphoma Association. They are run every other month in Sutton Colfield and they usually have a guest speaker. My friend Anj came with me – THANK YOU!! This week was a consultant haematilogist from the hametology centre I go to, and she was talking about transplation which was really interesting. Did you know, that when they do a bone marrow test, they only need about 3 ml of marrow, but if they are doing a transplant, they need a litre!! I can’t even begin to imagine how painful that would be, based on how much pain I was in during the bone marrow test. I would have rather given birth again!

I have also been told about a charity called the Willow Foundation. They basically organise “Special Days” for seriously ill 16-40 year olds. You can choose the special day you want to do, it can be anything from weekend at a cookery school, to a football match, or a trip to Center Parcs. I posted my application off yesterday, so we’ll have to see what comes of it.

Chemo number 7 was yesterday. So only 5 more to go!

Halfway Through Chemo

Yesterday I broke the back of chemo. I reached my halfway point, in that I have had six treatments, and have six more to go. My best friend, Nick came with me yesterday, and it made such a difference. I’ve had someone with me on three of the six treatments (well, three and a half if you count last time – I was in such a state I asked Neil to come and pick me up early and sit with me for a while!) and it really does make such a difference. Yesterday was probably a worse experience than my last chemo –  running an hour late, three attempts to get a cannula in, and very nearly vomiting after my steroid injection, but because I had someone there it wasn’t nearly as bad as last time.  I have six left, and have already got people to come and sit with me for four of them, with Neil coming to the last one (where I shall bring brownies for the staff – but not the ones who can’t cannulate me!!)

I still have hair, although it’s looking quite thin and I’m starting to feel a bit self conscious about it. I’d normally have it cut now, but I don’t see the point if it’s coming out anyway.

On a positive note, I had an absolutely fabulous weekend. Friday night I was at the Glee Club in Birmingham with some friends, so we had a good laugh, and the best bit was, I had my first alcoholic drink since last year and……I got absolutely no alcohol pain with it. I left it at the one, but  it was good! A yummy malibu and pineapple. The next step is to attempt a glass of wine, which is quite nerve wrecking as it was after drinking wine last time that I got the  alcohol pain.

Saturday night, I went to see Dancing on Ice at the LG Arena, and it was fantastic. I am definitely going again next year!

OK, so I kind of feel like the blog is drying up a little bit, which leads me to believe you’re all a bit bored of it. Is there anything in particular you’d like me to write about or things you’d like to know? I’m open to suggestion. Also, don’t forget you can ask me a question here.