Category Archives: Uncategorized

I’ve moved!

Don’t forget I’m here now, so don’t forget to change your RSS feed and/or email subscription.

New Home

In line with me turning 30, I have moved over to my new blog: Life,Love and Lollipops.

See you there!

The Day I Found Out

I did my first vlog the other day as part of “The Day I Found Out” project. I have been deliberating for 6 days as to whether to post it on my blog or not.

Here it is. I say “urm” alot. Sorry about that.

Do GP Surgeries Charge Rent?

Jake and  I have been back and forth to the doctors again over the last few days. Jake with this stupid cough, and me with my back. But my back is partly to do with Jake’s cough. I am sure that soon they will start asking us to pay rent!

The doctor gave him some antibiotics, and approximately 30 seconds after he had it, he was sick. EVERYWHERE. All over me, all over him, all over the floor. It wasn’t the taste of it, he was quite happy to take it, it just didn’t agree with him. Then, as I was bending down to move him out the way and clear up, my back went. Luckily, as Neil works from home he rushed downstairs to see what was going on and managed to get me into a chair, and clean up the sick. I’d had twinges for a few days, but thought nothing of it. Luckily, my parents have helped over the last few days, I wouldn’t have managed otherwise. How we will get through the next few days remains to be seen. Neil even cooked me tea tonight 🙂

Jake is now on new antibiotics and is managing to keep them down, and we are going back to see the doctor in 2 weeks. As for my back, I have been given cocodamol and a form to self refer for physio. The GP I saw today is fairly confident it’s just muscular and it should clear up in a few weeks.

It has until June 15th to get better, because I have a date with 5 handsome men in Cardiff! Is it just me, or has Jason Orange gotten better looking the older he is?

And then of course, there is CyberMummy in just over 2 weeks, Neil and mine’s 5th wedding anniversary the day after CyberMummy (which I am now being sponsored for, more on that soon!), and the small matter of me turning 30. 

So here’s hoping that we will both be feeling better soon for all the fun and frolics!

Here and Now

I am fed up of being constantly ill. I finished chemo nine months ago, so you’d think by now that my immune system would be back up to scratch, but no. I have pretty much been constantly ill for the last month, with a reprieve of a few days here and there.

It is really frustrating. I hate it and it’s starting to get me down. The poor doctor that I saw on Friday, I don’t think she knew what hit her when I went in to see her. There is also the small fact that I turn 30 at the end of the month, so intend on letting my hair down, and I have a nagging feeling that I will be on antibiotics, so will be the driver of the evening. 

However, with all of this going on, I do still feel fortunate. I finished chemo 9 months ago and I am still in remission. I am a member of a lymphoma forum. I don’t go on as much as I used to, but I do still check in on a regular basis and was so saddened to read about a girl called Bekah. In November, she reached complete remission after 4 years of treatment. Words she never thought she’d hear. But, this week, she has found out that she has relapsed again, yet she remains so positive.

I wish I had her strength of mind.

It does make it scary. Yes, I’m in remission. Yes, I’m cancer free. And while that is wonderful in the here and now, I would just love to know that it’s not just for the here and now, but for now and forever.

CyberMummy Meet and Greet

Carly over at Mummy’s Shoes is hosting a Cybermummy 2011 Meet & Greet so I thought that as it is just over a month away, I ought to join in!

Name: Roz Barnwell

Blog‘kin Hodgkin’s

Twitter ID: @rozzibee

Height: 5ft 1 (with no shoes)

Hair: Brunette, for now. Am currently trying to decide between purple, or REALLY purple.

Eyes: Brown. I have two.

Likes: Baking, chocolate, talking, reading.

Dislikes:  Cliques, bullies, bananas, spiders, hospitals, cancer.

Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday

Dreams, Baths and Nail Biting!

I was tagged by Fenngirl, over at My Mummy Wrote this for me.. The meme was started by Kerry at Mrs Lister Writes and is based on the Q&A in the Guardian Weekend supplement. I haven’t been tagged before, so this is my first go.

Which living person do you most admire, and why?
Lisa Lynch. She had breast cancer at 28, underwent a double mastectomy and an oophrectomy, and has a husband that totally adores her. She has written a book, which I would love to do, and she writes a fab blog.

When were you last happiest?
13th April. The day that my ENT consultant told me that although the other half of my thyroid was malignant, I was low risk. That is the first time in over 18 months that anyone has used those words to describe me.

What was your most embarrassing moment?
Probably when I was in hospital being induced with Jake, and I had to show the midwife my pad when my waters broke, and then in it was my “show”. Very embarrassing!!

Aside from property, what’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?
Our VW Passat estate. We didn’t go to the dealership with the intention of buying anything. We just went for a look.

What is your most treasured possession?
I would say Jake, but I don’t think he counts as a possession, so can I say my doggies?

Where would you like to live?
Canada. We went on holiday there a few years back to visit family, and I loved the place. I’d move in a heartbeat, but Neil is too much of a home bird.

What’s your favourite smell?
I LOVE the smell of freshly brewed coffee, like when you walk into a Starbucks, and that smell just hits you. Yum!

Who would play you in the film of your life?
Oooh, urm. Anne Hathaway, I think. She’d need to be able to carry off short hair though!

What is your favourite book?
I am a book worm. I can’t narrow it down to just one. But I do love chick lit books, and Paige Toon is becoming a fast favourite, Dorothy Koomson is brilliant too!

What is your most unappealing habit?
Biting my nails. I know it’s a horrible habit. But I’ve done it since childhood, and it seems that no matter how hard I try, I just can’t stop.

What would be your fancy dress costume of choice?
Lara Croft!

What is your earliest memory?
I can’t pinpoint an actual first memory. I do remember being quite young and being sat on my brother’s lap and he was drawing me pictures of a dog. I couldn’t tell you how old I was though.

What is your guiltiest pleasure?
A crush on Dermot O’Leary.

What do you owe your parents?
My scattiness.

To whom would you most like to say sorry, and why?
To my family and friends, for putting them through so much over the last 18 months.

What or who is the greatest love of your life?
My little family.

What does love feel like?
It makes you feel all lovely and warm.

What was the best kiss of your life?
I’m not sure I should divulge…

Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
“Jake, no!”
“Frankie, get off!”
“Ernie, pack it in!”
“Neil, are you nearly done in the bathroom?”

What is the worst job you’ve done?
Telesales. Hated it, and I wasn’t very good at it.

If you could edit your past, what would you change?
I wouldn’t have got engaged to the guy I was engaged to before I got married to Neil. That was not a happy time in my life.

What is the closest you’ve come to death?
June 16th 2010. I was in the cancer ward in hospital, and I woke up that morning and couldn’t breathe properly. I couldn’t even walk to the end of my bed without needing oxygen. I was then moved to intensive care. That was by far the scariest cancer experience.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Jake. Definitely! The fact that I helped make him, and he has turned into such a handsome, funny, and nice little boy, I’m so proud of that! I’m also fairly proud of the fact that I kicked cancer twice.

When did you last cry, and why?
The other morning when I had a really upsetting dream in the night that I just couldn’t shake off. You know when a dream just feels so real?

How do you relax?
A nice long soak in a bubble bath, with a good book

What single thing would improve the quality of your life?
For someone to tell me that I will never have cancer again – I stole that off fenngirl, but yes, without a doubt!

What is the most important lesson life has taught you?
Live every moment as if it’s your last. Cherish those that love you and that you love, and don’t waste time on those that aren’t worth it.

Now, I’m pretty sure that most people have done this already, so forgive me if you’ve already been got, but I tag….

Brave, or Stupid?

I have mentioned the Lymphoma Association quite a few times in my blog. I was privileged enough to be short-listed for one of their Beacon of Hope awards, as was my father-in-law. This year they are celebrating their 25th anniversary, and in honour of this, they are holding a number of events and challenges.

I am taking part in one such event. 25 of us are going to be doing a tandem skydive and jumping out of a plane at 10,000 feet. I can’t wait!

So who are the Lymphoma Association and what do they do?

Founded by patients in 1986, the Lymphoma Association is the only specialist UK charity that provides accurate medical information and support to lymphatic cancer patients, their families, friends and carers. They have a helpline which is manned Monday – Friday. They deal with over 5000 calls and 1000 emails per year, offering information and emotional support to anyone affected by lymphatic cancer.

It is the only specialist UK charity that provides accurate medical information and support to lymphatic cancer patients, their families and friends.

The Association runs a buddy scheme. Individuals concerned about issues relating to lymphoma can discuss them with another person who has been through a similar experience. This scheme, run by a senior member of the helpline team, puts callers to the helpline who request a buddy in touch with someone who has experienced a similar situation

These are just a few things that they do.

They have really helped me throughout the worst year of my life, and I want to give something back.

This is where I need your help. I need sponsors to help me raise as much money as possible for this wonderful charity. Any donation is appreciated, as every little helps. You can sponsor me here, or if  you are likely to see me, I have a form that I can wave under your nose.

Thank you in advance!